READ ME DOC Emily Neves Intention: Create an interactive fiction piece with three small minigames. There are around seven chapters, each with a unique color scheme. This project is best viewed in fullscreen, on Windows, in a Chrome browser. What more I would do if I had time: -more visuals -more indepth, leveled games -another game during the ending chapters -audio cues -more interaction post mini-games (in terms of 'choose-your-own-adventure' type gameplay) Some known bugs: -clicking any button in any game more too many times produced unforseen consequences (for instance, in the Red Light Green Light game, it causes the timeout to quicken and have the two modes flip too fast) -In the Red Light Green Light game, te player is able to go past the goal. I'd rather have them stop the instance they reach the goal. -In the teeth game, the gold block sometimes draws ontop of grey blocks, which causes the player to lose. -On the progressCheck page, always returns false even if all inputted answers are true. In the interest of time, I decided to leave the link to continue anyway.